Sculptural candles

Sculptural candles

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Candl Stack from Stan Editons is a playful item, you can rearrange the parts of the item as you wish. The parts are colored red, rose and blue.
Candle Stack 04 - Red & Blue
Stan editions49 €
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Candl Stack is a playful candle from Stan Editions. This particular piece comes in the colors of yellow, white, dark brown and peach. The candle is made of 5 elements, which you can arrange in many ways.
Candle Stack 03 - Yellow & Brown
Stan editions42 €
A scented Wax Candle designed by Ocactuu. The candle has a peach scent and it comes in a glossy dark brown ceramic. The material has a subtle spotted texture. The candle wick is made of wood for a more natural feeling.
Peach Candle
Ocactuu30 €
A packshot of the Piu set which contains three candles from Ann Vincent. One candle comes in a dark burgundy color the other two are beige. The candles look like little balls or stones stacked on top of each other.
Piu set
Ann Vincent48 €
Candl Stack from Stan Editons is a playful item, you can rearrange the parts of the item as you wish. The parts are colored white, brown and turquoise.
Turquoise Candle
Stan editions32 €
A scented Wax Candle designed by Ocactuu. The candle has an amber scent and it comes in a glossy dark blue ceramic. The material has a subtle spotted texture. The candle wick is made of wood for a more natural feeling.
Amber Candle
Ocactuu30 €
Fonz from Ann Vincent is a sculptural candle. The silhouette of the product looks like a rectangle with a smaller rounded shape on top. The candle wick is quite long and has a braided texture.
Fonz Candle
Ann Vincent38 €
Grape Candle from Ann Vincent has the shape of grapes stacked on top of each other. It has a light nude color.
Grape Candle
Ann Vincent25 €